Innovation Services

Consumer Insights & Market Research

Netnography | Future Scenario Planning | Interviews | Trend & Desk Research | Visual Design

100% customer centric

Using proven methods of market research, customer and user research, we have developed a unique approach to better understand customer decision-making and uncover user needs.

„Deep dive and discover user worlds”


As consumers increasingly turn to the digital world, traditional ethnography has expanded to the Web. HYVE has responded to this with its proven approach of “Netnography”. By immersing oneself in online consumer dialog, Netnography enables a comprehensive understanding of consumer behavior. Observing consumer conversations in open online communities, forums, and blogs is particularly valuable in the initial stages of the innovation process. HYVE has developed a unique, systematic approach to analyzing, and deciphering user-generated content during this phase. Learn more about our Netnography offering

“Hear it firsthand from your users”

Interviews & Testing

Whether they take place on-site or remotely: Interviews and Testing are the foundation of any customer-centric project. Interviews and testing sessions are a fast way to gain in-depth insights or direct, spontaneous feedback on ideas and prototypes. Stakeholders can attend these sessions and learn about their users´ firsthand  experiences, creating a long-lasting impact on the project. Inviting participants with a special skillset such as Lead Users, Trend Receivers or industry experts can be used to get a glimpse of the future. Find out how interviews let you create products that meet real user needs.

“Monitor innovations in the making”

Trend & Desk Research

Desk research can be applied to a variety of fields, from market data to competitor and trend analysis. HYVE is particularly experienced in trend scouting for Future Scenario Planning, patent scouting and technology scouting for the design of new products and services, and scouting through crowdsourcing.

Track trends in innovative fields and better predict the future, especially when combined with Trend Receiver research. Understand where the market is headed and how this influences user perception and adoption. Uncover new opportunities to innovate!

Collaborating with Your Customers

Online Research Communities

Online Research Communities (ORCs) are a powerful tool for gathering customer insights. Imagine having access to a group of engaged and passionate customers who are willing to share their thoughts and feedback with you 24/7. With HYVE’s ORC solution, you can gain deeper insights into your customers’ needs and preferences. Through our platform, you can interact with your customers in a variety of ways, such as surveys, discussions, and polls, and gather valuable feedback in real-time. Find out more about ORCs now!

"Turning ideas into tangible image"

Graphic Design & Illustration

Ideas can be represented and communicated graphically in the creative process. Our designers create concepts and translate them into visual form to communicate and create products that engage, inform, entertain and inspire people. They create layouts or electronic displays and coordinate the production and implementation of your designs.

Our graphic design deals with composition and layout organization of your text and images. While illustrations are about creative visual interpretation, graphic designs focus on communicating with your target audience.

Robert Kozinets visited us in Munich and talked about his latest book “Netnography: The Essential Guide”.
Dorothée Stadler is an expert in future scenario planning. This webinar is only available in German. Please get in touch for English material.

Let's dive deep together!


Our clients' success is what drives us

Our work is not only user-centric, we are also client-centric. Because every client is at the heart of what we do. Together, we create solutions that people need and love.

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